You may have noticed that my website isn't all that fancy. This website is all coded with the basics of html and php without using additional resources that website platform builders add to a website. I also like to add code to pages that would be difficult for me to use in a builder like Wordpress. Website developing is a great puzzle and sometimes you just need to try things out and not worry about limitations.
You tell me what you need done by when and I will work with you to get it accomplished.
My experience in the US Army has instilled discipline to work and finish the job on time. That is not why you need me though. You need a programmer/developer that will get the job done the right way. I have over 12 years of professional experience ranging from ecommerce websites, automatic scheduling for patients, customizing complete Wordpress websites, to simple 3 page custom website for an online presence.
I understand that all customers need a unique website for their client base. I don't believe in a cookie cutter website approach. There is no reason for your website to look like your competitors, or even worse your sporting goods website looking exactly like a cheese cake website. You want your company to stand out.
Let me know what you need and I can tell you if I can do it. If it can't be done by me I'll point you in the right direction.
Josh Carlisle